Saturday, April 25, 2009

Outside Fun!

The boys enjoyed the nice weather today, they had fun running around outside and playing in some water.

This is a signature look of Cole's, I get this look many times throughout the course of a day.
Reed did great outside, he was just moved from place to place and never made a peep!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Reed Allan Castor!

Reed Allan Castor was born on April 11th and weighed in at 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 in. long. The boys are very excited about their new brother.

Going home!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Henry's Party

We celebrated Henry's birthday on Sunday, here are a few pictures from the day. I'm sure Amy will have many up on her blog soon.

Henry got a birthday wish from Bubba via the webcam.
The boys all thought it was fun to talk to him. Cole did try to throw that ball through the computer to Bubba.
Henry and Cole try out Henry's new wagon. I hope they installed the seat belts that came with it because I don't think Henry is going to stay in that seat without it!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kid City

Today was Henry's birthday so Amy had the day off so Cole, Luke and I joined them at Kidcity for some fun.

Here is Cole putting the fish on the conveyor belt in one of the rooms. I'm not sure why his tongue is hanging out?!
Cole loved driving the car......
......and Henry really enjoyed the ride!
Henry takes a turn on the slide.

After we left Kidcity we took the boys to Friendly's, I have to say for 3 little boys they were very good! Here are some pictures of dessert, that was by far the highlight of the day for Henry!

Poor Amy, they all decided they were going to sit with her for their ice cream.

Henry had his very first Cone Head!
However, he decided that Luke's double ice cream cone looked and tasted much better and he kept grabbing handfuls, luckily Luke was a good sport, I'm pretty sure Henry wouldn't take it so well if someone grabbed his ice cream!!

Luke looks a little unsure about the big hole his cousin just left in his dessert!

Here is the birthday boy before the big wipe down. We hope Henry had a fun 1st birthday, we sure enjoyed spending the day with him and helping him celebrate!