Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July!!

We had a small cookout on the 4th with the Rice's and the Klvana's. The kids had fun swimming and doing sparkler's and watching the fireworks that Kevin bought. We also enjoyed a campfire complete with S'mores and a camp out in the backyard. Here are some pics from the day!

Henry enjoying a popsicle!
Bryan throwing Jack in the pool.
Luke wasn't too happy about his toss into the pool!
This kid is unstoppable!! Someone needs to remind him that he is only 2!! This is how he swims now all the time with his face in the water like he's 12 not 2!!!
Here is an action shot of the big boys jumping in, minus Braeden, he couldn't part with the gun!!
Luke with his sparkler, they all did pretty well, only a few minor finger burns and a little burnt hair on one child!!
My fire eating husband.
The boys enjoying our new bigger tent.
Even Reed enjoyed the camp out!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Fun With Bubba!

I don't have many pictures from Bubba's visit last week but here are a few from the other day.

Bubba getting to know Reed.
Of course a wrestling match ( we have more and more of those around here!)
Cole getting ready......
.... there he goes!
The boys had a lot of fun, I'm sure Bubba was tired when he left!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Henry's Love For Food Continues!

Here are some pictures of Henry enjoying some watermelon and a peach. I was warned these would be messy but he had so much fun! I do however believe I should raise the rate on messy lunch days!!!

That is one happy boy!

That peach never stood a chance!! I think he really likes peaches though because he thinks they are balls, he kept trying to throw it and only succeeded at that once.