Friday, April 23, 2010


Bear with me, there are a lot of photos in this post! I thought about splitting it into two but decided not to, so here they are all at once! The boys and I got back last night from a wonderful trip to TN. We had so much fun visiting with aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins! Thanks to all who came to see us and who helped entertain all of those boys :)

This is the boys after the first leg of our trip, everyone still smiling! (they were amazing travelers, I couldn't have asked for them to be better!)
Grandma and all of her grandsons
Great Granny with all of her great grandsons
Jack and Luke convinced Erik and Peter into playing a game of baseball with them. Once I explained how ghost runners worked to Erik and Peter they were good to go!
Of course the little boys wanted in on the action too!
We are so happy that we finally were able to meet Sophie, she is so sweet and adorable! She loved playing with Reed, and no she is not being fresh she is just showing him her nose with her favorite "pointing" finger!
She is going to be a great big sister! She found the "choke hold" was the best way to get him to sit still for a kiss :)
All of the great grandchildren! Sophie and the "boy cousins", as she likes to call them!
Bethany and I took the boys to the local playground a few times to run out all of their energy!

At the lake....
This pretty much sums him up!
Cole and Luke rolling a log into the lake
Getting to throw water balloons at Uncle Roger was definitely a highlight of the trip for the boys....
....what a good sport! We really tried to prepare him for his grandson that is on the way!!
On the way home the boys and I stopped at the TN Aquarium in Chattanooga, everyone had a great time! Here are Jack and Luke in a shark cage, Cole was too nervous to get in even though the shark in the background is not real!
The boys all took a turn touching these fish, I wish I remembered to see what kind of fish these were!
Cole thought this alligator was pretty cool, it just kind of hung there staring at him!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lots of Happy Birthday's!!!

This month we have celebrated Henry's 2nd birthday on 4/1, Cole's 3rd birthday on 4/9, and Reed's 1st birthday on 4/11. On Sunday we had a big birthday celebration for all 3 boys!! Here are some pics from their day, they all had a lot of fun and are very grateful to have so many people to love them!

I thought this was soo funny, I'm pretty sure he's saying "Auntie, put down the camera!"
The dining room all ready for their "ball" themed party
Grammy did a great job with Cole's soccer ball cake....
....and Reed's little beach ball cake! I will let Amy post pictures of Henry's cake that Kevin made!
Cole and Henry had a hard time waiting to blow out their candles until we finished singing.
To say Reed loved his cake is an understatement! He even blew out his candle all on his own!!
I know, looks a bit like Christmas
We started out with somewhat of a method and then just let it become a free for all!!
Reed taking a little "walk" with Uncle Kevin on the front porch! The boys all had a great day and thank everyone who celebrated with them!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Egg Coloring and Easter!

There are a lot of pictures in this post, I would have done the egg coloring pictures separately if the kids didn't all get the stomach bug the next day, so here is egg coloring and Easter all in one!!
Henry LOVED that blue dye!!
Luke showing off his finished egg.
Reed didn't get the memo that you have to peel the eggs before you eat them.....
...however, once his egg was peeled he decided eggs were not as great as he thought they would be!
Finished product!
We didn't realize how hard it was going to be getting the dye off of their hands, Henry and Luke were by far the worst and normally no one would have cared but Henry had pictures the next day and Amy did not want him to have smurf blue hands!! You'll notice there are no messy Cole pictures, we are all surprised that he managed to stay the cleanest!! He wouldn't touch any eggs without the little egg holder!
Easter morning.....
....poor Cole was still not feeling well and barely made it through his Easter basket.
This was at 7:30 in the morning as soon as he was done with his basket and he slept for almost 3 hours! He must have been sick because Cole deciding to nap on his own NEVER happens! Poor baby :(
Reed enjoyed our Easter dinner and insisted that sweet potatoes are finger food, after this he had his 10th bath in 2 days!
Egg hunt!
Reed had fun emptying Luke's basket until he was caught by Luke!