Monday, March 24, 2008

The Easter Aftermath

Now let me just say, if Cole hadn't been sick on Sat. night I would probably blame all the Easter candy on this stomach bug that has fallen upon our family. Cole started Sat. evening by getting sick in the car while Amy and I were doing some shopping, let's just say it was not pretty. After that he seemed fine, or so I thought so I took him to church, Grammy and Papa's, etc. I guess I'm the reason kids get sick from the nursery in church but I swear he seemed fine. Well anyways Luke came down with it at about 4 am and as of now at almost 10 am he is just starting to get better. I followed Luke at about 5 am and Bryan and Jack got up not looking so good, but nothing yet from them.

We are all camped out on the couches watching the new movies the Easter Bunny brought, thank goodness for those. That should keep them busy for a few hours.
The boys each have a couch with buckets in place.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a better topic to post about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh No!!! SO sorry to hear you were all sick! Joey and I felt horrible yesterday (Joey maybe for another reason), but I felt sick to my stomach, but nothing happened. The pics are great, even the sick ones. I can't figure out how to post under my name...but I'm working on it.