Friday, September 12, 2008

Luke's First Day!

Here are some pictures from Luke's first day of preschool. As you can tell Cole has had about enough of this picture business on the front steps! Luke did pretty well, yesterday was only his second day and I did have to bribe with McDonald's for lunch if he didn't cry. Hopefully he'll be better next week because I can't keep that up every week!

Luke on the front steps of the school, looking a little unsure. (did I mention that this is his second year of preschool?! Not sure why he is so unsure, he knows everyone there!)


Herzig Family said...

awe...he looks so completely cute! Hope he is adjusting better this week. Are you enjoying "you and Cole" time?

Grammy and Papa said...

Love all the first day photos! Luke looks a little unsure that school is such a good idea!