Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grandma, Grandpa and Great Grandma's Visit

Here are some pictures from the last week of our visit with Grandma and Grandpa and Great Grandma Castor. We had a great time with everyone and can't wait to see them again in May!

Cole and Jack watching Peter Pan at Aaron's.
Bryan catching a quick nap before lunch.
Grandma helping Cole eat one of the yummy chocolate truffles that Kelly so kindly put out.
Grandma Castor, Aaron and Kelly visiting at our house during present opening.
Grandpa and the boys waiting for the gifts to be passed out.
Cole helping Grandma Castor open her gift from Aaron and Kelly.
Grandma giving Cole a quick lesson on the piano.
Bryan and Cole relaxing after his big lesson.
A Castor 4 generation picture.


Grammy and Papa said...

Nice photos! It was nice to see the Castor Clan

B said...

Hey, Cole and Mac have the same fox pajamas....from Grandma LJ?