Saturday, June 27, 2009

Extreme Home Makeover Comes to Suffield!!

Today we made the trip over to Mather St. to check out the Extreme Home Makeover, you can't have this happening in your town and not go check it out. We all (Amy, Kevin, myself and the 5 boys) piled on the bus and head over after naps today.

Here are Cole and Amy on the bus! Cole was very excited to ride a school bus.
Jack was not so happy on the way there, our bus was extremely packed and he had to sit in between me and Amy along with Cole and Reed. It was hot and squishy but we made it!
I just need to say what an amazing baby Reed is. The poor child hadn't eaten since noon so I figured I would feed him on the ride over, well this would have all been fine but when I made his bottle before we got on the bus, somehow the bag burst and that was it for the bottle! Of course I didn't have another so I decided we were just going to take our chances. We didn't hear a peep out of him the whole time and the poor thing never ate until almost 6 pm! I love him!!

Here we are in the spectator area which is really muddy and was pretty crowded.

This was the best shot I could get of the house, it looks like the outside is mostly done but there sure is a lot of yard work to do!
Kevin was not only kind enough to come with us (I told Amy I wouldn't go unless he came to help with all of the kids since Bryan had to work, thanks Kev!!) but, he held each of my kids up so they could at least see what we came to look at!
Here are Jack and Luke running back down the walkway to catch up to Kevin and Henry.
The boys waiting to catch the bus back! They were all so amazingly well behaved!!!
I'm pretty sure Henry is telling the bus driver to "Move that bus!!"
We (Kevin) decided that since everyone was so good, including Uncle Kev, that we deserved ice cream for supper! Here is Henry enjoying his, just to think, last year he was in a bucket on this very table and here he is this year enjoying his own ice cream! I'm thinking maybe next year he'll use his spoon!! Stay tuned to Amy's blog, I'm sure she'll post the pictures of his hair!!!
Cole was so happy, I think this helped him forget about his muddy feet! I think I may give him ice cream for supper every night just to see that grin!!


nina rice said...

Great pictures, Kate!! Wasn't it fun to see all the commotion at the house? What a trooper Reed is, huh? That kid is going to be the most easy going of all time. LOVE HIM! Looking forward to Amy's picture of Henry.

Looks like everybody had fun.

Herzig Family said...

Oh how fun. I had wanted to go, but just never made it. Looks like a fun time! We do ice cream instead of supper sometimes too! :-)