Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cole's Artwork

I figured I should post something about Cole since I haven't in a while. Yesterday when I came down from the shower I found some artwork that Cole had done in the sun room, I don't thing it takes much explaining, the pictures can speak for themselves......

Yes that is permanent blue marker all over the floor, wall and couches. I was able to remove it from the floor and I could take it off the wall with a magic eraser and a lot of scrubbing but it will remove the paint so I'm thinking that room may just get a whole makeover. As for the couches, I am going to call and see if our warranty will cover it (they say they will so I guess we'll test it out!). Every marker in our house is now in my possession and I think will remain there for a long time! It was a little embarrassing to send him to Sunday school with the evidence still all over his hands, I guess we'll just have to wait for it to wear off! Hope everyone else had a better weekend than I did!!


B said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That's all I can mouth is wide open and I am gasping at every picture!

nina rice said...

really can't help but chuckle. It's kind of like he just couldn't find the "end" of his production... He just kept going and going.

I wonder if that will translate into "stick-to-itive-ness" as an adult. (That would be a good thing - unlike this.) ; )

...yes, I'm really up at 4:37 AM... getting old isn't so great!

Mandi said...

OH NO!!!! That poor couch!! He did an amazing job - just kept going! Crossing fingers for your warranty!