Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Day of Firsts!

Today we had a few firsts in our house. Jack had his first day of first grade and Cole had his very first haircut. Here are some pictures of the day, both events went very well.

One last "fist bump" between the boys before we head to the bus stop.
Here comes the bus!

Even Henry made it down to the bus stop this morning!
Here is Cole pre-haircut.
Here we are during the haircut, he did pretty well, that spray bottle kept him occupied for the first part anyways.
By the end though we had to bring out the Oreos! I know I hated to do it but that's what it took!
Here is the finished product! No more baby :( Oh well, he sure was happy to have an Oreo!


nina rice said...

Loved all the pics, Kate - especially the "fist bump!" Cole's hair is really cute - it's giving me motivation. Hmm??

Herzig Family said...

awww...I got chills watching Jack get on the bus. I am so nervous for next week when Emalie gets on the bus... :-(

B said...

Cole looks so handsome! I just get so sad about Jack. I'm sure he loved it, but it just makes me sad to see him go to school!