Sunday, August 17, 2008

Messy Hands

The other day the boys asked if they could finger paint, this is very unlike Jack, he usually hates to get messy. I agreed to this thinking they could do it outside, of course as soon as we got set up outside the thunder and dark clouds rolled in so we had to move indoors. I will say this went pretty well, all that was really messy in the end were their hands.

Later that night however I found this on the dining room table after I came down from putting Cole to bed, an empty butter dish and.....

...another set of messy hands, and face, and chest. Yes, this boy ate the rest of the butter that was left on the table from dinner. Is that not the guiltiest face you've ever seen?!

1 comment:

B said...

That is hilarious that he ate that butter. Kids give us such great stories!