Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jack's Baseball 2010

Here is a little summary of Jack's baseball this year, these aren't in any special order and I only brought my camera to one game so it's all been captured in one shot!

At the end of every game the little siblings can't wait to run the bases, Cole takes this very seriously and even pretends to hit before he takes off.... he comes around third base!
Reed managing all of the equipment
Luke takes a turn around
If I had a penny for every slushie (flushie as Henry calls them) that I bought this season, I'd be rich! The Castor family kept that Snack Shack in business!!
Jack was very happy to get a chance to pitch at the last game of the season.
This is one of my favorites! This is Jack giving a high five to his good friend Cameron, who is the first baseman for the opposing team.
Jack focusing on the game as he plays third base, this is the position he normally plays.
Henry looking very cute in Jack's spare hat, he just wanted me to take a picture of the ball.
Reed was not a fan of the batting helmet
Henry very focused on the game, just not the one he was there for!
Love this one!!
This was their last game and they had a pizza party after, here they all are yelling "undefeated", which they were. Jack was on a great team with a great bunch of kids and a great coach, their team was the talk of 2nd grade, no one was able to beat them all season!!

1 comment:

Grammy and Papa said...

It was a great season and you captured it well! Great job Jack