Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Rock Cats!

Last night was TSI night at the Rock Cats game so we went with some people from Bryan's work, we had a great time and great seats!

Tuesdays are kids eat free night so the boys got a hot dog and juice (I know not the greatest dinner, but it was free!)
It's hard to see through the net but we were right behind home plate.
Cole spent a good part of the game on Maria's (Bill's Wife) lap, that was a much welcomed break for me.

1 comment:

Herzig Family said...

Oh - so glad everyone had fun! We're going to a game at the end of the month. Emalie's been bugging us to take her to a game ever since Scott went to Boston for a Red Sox game. I'm sure Tyler won't be very interested. Oh well - should be an experience anyways!! Miss you guys - hopefully we'll see you all soon.