Friday, March 12, 2010

Last Hockey and A Little Rockband!

These are the last of the hockey pics until next season! Luke had his last practice and pizza party on Wed. night. He has improved so much and really seems to love playing. This last practice was pretty much a free for all since there weren't a lot of kids and coaches that could make it because of the time.

Luke at the pizza party.
Showing off his medal and his patch.
He kept coming up to the glass where we were standing and posing for pictures, Bryan wasn't able to be there so he seemed a little lost out there. He did however take a few big laps around the ice since no one was really keeping track of him!
The kids all had fun taking turns in the goal, at one point I think they were all in there and the coaches were shooting on them. Luke really loved being in there, let's hope he got that out of his system....

Reed has taking up a new hobby.....
Bryan thought it would be a great idea to let Reed play Rockband like the big boys, of course he loves it!!
This actually keeps him entertained for quite a while but the boys are not a fan since it's near impossible to hear the T.V when he is banging on the drums.


Grammy and Papa said...

Luke is the cutest hockey player we've seen since Buba! Reed has found his place in the Castor band -looks like a natural

B said...

I love how happy Reed looks. So cute!