Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lots of Mess!!

Every week we have MANY messes at our house, here are a few I have cleaned up this week! Cole had the first mess with a cake, I noticed the cake that had been on the counter was all of a sudden missing and this is what I found...
I think he thought I thought this was a good idea, who wouldn't want to relax in front of the T.V. with a little cake?!
Reed has recently started having cereal bars like the big boys, this is a snack only to be had when you can go straight to the tub after you are done! It makes a huge mess but this is definitely one of his favorites!!
Peek-a-boo is one of his new tricks, maybe not the best time to play though!
This is just a mess of boys on the floor, I came in one day and found them perfectly still just watching T.V. in this position. I'm guessing they were in the middle of wrestling and something must have caught their attention.


Amy Klvana said...

And I don't believe Henry was involved of any of these messes, you can now stop blaming him for making all the mess.

Catherine said...

These are so cute! Cole is so big - such a little man. Can't wait to see you guys!

Grammy and Papa said...

These pictures are priceless!