Saturday, May 8, 2010


YAY!!! Reed is FINALLY crawling :) As many of you know Reed has been slightly delayed with his gross motor skills. He has been working with a Physical Therapist for about 3-4 months now and has made tremendous improvements!! After his PT on Wed we noticed him just take off across the floor in the evening and he has been going ever since! He is sooooo much happier with his new found "freedom", he is having fun being able to get to all of the toys without the help of someone, he is also having fun getting into all of those things he shouldn't be touching as well-the wood stove! Nevertheless, we are so happy that he has mastered this new skill so that he can keep up with the rest of the boys!! Here is a short video as "proof" that he can actually move!

*To hear the video you need to pause the music player on the right of the screen*


Grammy and Papa said...

Go Reed! There's no stopping ou now!

Catherine said...

Yay for Reed! We were in the car today and Sophie was playing with some little animals and kept saying, "This is Cole, and this is Cole. Hi Cole, nice to meet you." I think we know who her favorite cousin is. I can only imagine the trouble those 2 could get into if they were together more often.

B said...

Hooray! Way to go Reed!

Mandi said...

He's such a cutie!!! Great job Reed!!!