Sunday, May 30, 2010

Silly Bandz

We have fallen into the trap of the latest fad! The boys are very excited to each have their own pack of Silly Bandz now. Silly Bandz are elastic bracelets in different shapes. They were told if they were well behaved at their pictures yesterday that they could each get some, with the understanding that these are not to go to school with them. Most schools are annoyed that these are causing a disruption so they are not allowing them, Jack told me that only the 2nd graders were allowed to wear them at his school..hmm...I'm still sticking to no Silly Bandz at school! Here are a few pics of the boys with their new accessory!
Luke was angry going into the store when Jack said he was collecting Silly Bandz, Luke said he didn't want Jack to collect the same thing as him. I told him I had news for him, every kid in the U.S. is collecting them so he may want to find another collectible!
Cole is beyond thrilled to be included with the "big" kids!!
Jack sorting his bands, his pack had Rockband shaped Silly Bandz. Luke got Armed Forces and Cole picked Construction. Reed still has a few more years until these are appropriate for him, I'm sure by then they will be a thing of the past and there will be a new fad for him to follow!
Jack's Silly Bandz
Reed was mad he wasn't in the picture with the boys, he kept yelling "cheese" until I took his picture. In other Reed news, he has started pulling himself to standing today at the coffee table and couch!


Grammy and Papa said...

Great fun and as usual great pictures Kate. Can't wait to see Reed upright on his own

Nicole said...

Kate dont worry I have silly bands too. They're just so awesome. No wonder the kids like them. Cole could fit them up his whole arm!