Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sunrise Park

Today Amy and I took the boys to Sunrise Park for a little picnic and some fun on the beach! We aren't really sure what we were thinking but we definitely were not prepared for the 3 little ones to be in the water the way they were. We were actually quite stupid to think that they would sit on the edge of the water and play in the sand, we have learned that if we would like to stay longer we need swimming devices for at least Cole and Henry!! Not one of these 5 boys have any fear of the water, which is a good thing, but makes for tired mommies!

Jack and Luke were excited that we ran into Conor from Jack's class, they all had fun playing monkey in the middle!
Loving life!
Cole swimming...
Henry doing a "cannonball". Henry and Cole do cannonballs off of the bottom step everyday at my house so they were especially excited to try it out in the water where it is intended to be done!
Cole's cannonball, they more or less just jump and land on their bottoms in the water!

We literally had to hold Reed back from just crawling straight into the water, he was putting his face in and everything! Looks like I will have another Cole on my hands!!

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