Thursday, April 24, 2008


On Sunday it was so beautiful out that Bryan thought it would be fun to take the boys to the driving range. It actually went surprisingly well, when I saw how many balls were in that bucket I thought we would be there all day but it actually went pretty quickly. Jack did very well, if he had clubs that were his size I think he would have enjoyed it much better. Luke gave a swing or two and then just handed out balls to everyone. While we were there we got a surprise visit with Bubba!

Jack concentrated so hard on every swing.
Luke concentrated hard on this swing only, it was one of the few swings he took.
He pretty much planted himself here after that swing.
Bubba relaxed with Cole after his bucket was empty (and no, he is not walking but is a pro at standing on his own!)
After golf we met Amy, Kevin and Henry at the Dairy Cream for some ice cream, I think Henry enjoyed his first trip out for ice cream. Cole didn't make it this far, he was sleeping in the car.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Outside Time

The kids had fun outside on Sat. it was 80 degrees so Kevin was so kind as to fill water balloons for them all afternoon. It was lots of fun but Cole sure was dirty!

Cole and his balloon, he tried to eat it right after this and that was the end of his fun!


As most of you know Nina (Bryan's Aunt) and myself, took my boys and Nina's two boys who are Jack and Luke's age, to Tennessee to surprise Bryan's Granny. She was very surprised and I think she enjoyed our visit. We did so many things on our short one week trip. I thought I would try and post a picture of the events that took place that week. Bare with me, there are a lot of pictures but I will be quick! These are in no particular order.

This is the boys at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, TN.
Here are Luke, Braeden and Wiley riding a camel at the Knoxville Zoo, Jack decided not to ride.
Here is Jack greeting Granny after her big surprise.
Here the boys are in front of the Sonic with their slushies.
Granny took us to see some strange animals, that ostrich was so creepy, notice Nina had to take the kids out to see it, I waited in the car.
All five boys at the lake, a little boy paradise!
Jack, Luke and Cole on the big rock.
University of the South, I so hope someone goes here!! It's so beautiful!
We had a great time on our trip, even with 5 little boys in the car for 4 days. They were all so good and I hope we get the chance to do it again.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

See The Rice Blog

The boys had their cousins Wiley and Braeden over today. Nina was our official photographer so she posted the pictures on her blog. For a run down of what they did you can follow the link to the Rice Family blog.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Cole's 1st Birthday!

We celebrated Cole's 1st birthday on Sunday. His actual birthday is on Wed. April 9th. He got a lot of great gifts and definitely enjoyed his cupcake.

Cole received this Radio Flyer Rocket from Grammy and Papa, I'm sure he will never learn how to move it himself since his brothers keep pushing him back and forth.

Cole helped Aaron put together the gift he bought. It is a bouncing zebra, every child should have one! This also went along with the 3T bathing suits from Uncle Aaron (I have since explained to him that the numbers correspond with their age, therefore he should have bought 12 months!) Cole loved this gift, he was torn between this and the rocket. He wouldn't take a break for very long from one or the other.

Cole wasn't really into the opening of the presents, so it's a good thing he has people for that!

Here is a video of Cole's firsts try on the rocket.

Of course we had to have a shot of the cake, I think this is the first sweet thing this child has ever tasted!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Meeting Henry

Today the boys were able to meet their new cousin Henry. They have been anxiously awaiting this day. Jack of course did very well. Luke didn't do so bad he did have to rewash his hands right before he held him, because of a little nose picking, but other than that he did great. Cole didn't look too happy to see Henry, he gave him a bit of a dirty look, he only tried to hit him a couple of times before he was removed from the scene. I'm sure Cole will get better as time goes on, he is not used to sharing Amy and Kevin's attention.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Our New Cousin Henry

Baby Henry has arrived. Amy and Kevin are very excited to welcome Henry James Klvana this morning at 10:18. He weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. and is 20 1/2 inches long. He looks just like his dad and has lots of dark hair.