Monday, August 2, 2010

Our New Cousin!

Wow, I can't believe it's been a month since I've posted!! Oops!!! I have tons of things to update about but before I get to everything that has happened in that month I have to share these pictures of the boys meeting their new cousin Oliver Charles! Oliver was born on July 30th, unfortunately we were still in Florida so we had to wait to meet Mr. Oliver. We went over this morning (well I snuck over last night when we got home) to meet the new addition and we all just LOVE little Oliver, he's so sweet!

The new big brother, poor Henry is still adjusting to sharing his parent's attention but he sure was excited to play with his cousins.
He already loves his Auntie!!
Everyone got a turn to hold Oliver....
...even Reed had a turn, he actually loved him and just kept pointing and saying "baby", I'm not sure he's ever seen someone smaller than him! An attempt at a shot with all 6 boys!!