Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Luke's Feast

Luke's preschool had their Thanksgiving Feast today. Luke had a little trouble in the beginning. The kids all marched out and sang some songs for the parents, Luke started to cry as soon as they entered the room. We later found out it was because his headband was ripped in the back.

Henry and Cole dined in the stroller, Henry really liked his first taste of Thanksgiving food!
Henry and Uncle Bryan playing while we waited for the kids.
Here is Luke trying to hold it together until the songs were over. (it was pretty sad)
Luke completely turned his back to the crowd when they first entered the room.
Here are all of the kids lined up! Miss Lisa tried real hard to get Luke to sing.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Leaves, Leaves and More Leaves!

The boys and Bryan spent the whole day yesterday cleaning up leaves. Our new yard has the most leaves I have ever seen! They completely cover our driveway yard and roof. The boys were very big helpers yesterday and they have gotten most of the back yard done.

Here are Luke and Bryan dragging another tarp load into the woods.

This was on Sunday before church. Bryan and Luke spent about an hour cleaning off the driveway.

This is the view of our driveway from the front porch, you can't even see the driveway!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Move and More....

On Halloween we moved into our new house. This is what we were faced with at one in the afternoon, and we had to be completely unloaded that day! Oh and did I mention this was only one of the trucks, the other one fortunately was not this full! Thankfully we had a lot of help which we really appreciated!
This is one of the only pics from the move but it is by far my favorite. This was not at all staged either, actually I made poor Robbie and Ryan wait there while I got my camera. I'm not really sure how Robbie ended up under the dresser but don't worry he was not injured during this process!
Here are Cole and Henry playing on Thursday, Henry started coming to our house 3 days a week. He's done great playing in all of this mess while I sort through it!
Last night Bryan and the boys broke up the boxes that I have been piling on the front porch. Cole came out to check things out after his bath.

Hopefully the next pictures I take of our front porch look better than this mess!!