Tuesday, January 27, 2009

They've Been Caged!!

Now don't get me wrong, I love sitting and playing with Henry while he's here during the week, however, sitting with him and not being able to leave him has become difficult. Since we use the wood stove in our family room, I have been confined to sitting and playing every moment Henry is awake. I decided I would try out the outdoor play yard to see if he would be happy playing in there so I would be free to occasionally go to the bathroom!! Of course Cole thought this was just as much fun as Henry did, I gave them the whole basket of toys and locked them in. I'm not kidding when I say I experienced a whole hour of quiet as they explored and dumped the toys. I'm hoping this doesn't get old too quickly!

Henry discovering toys he never knew Auntie even had!

The best part is that this big mess was confined to this one little area and clean up was a breeze!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Luke's Party

Luke had a great time at his little party Sunday night, despite his stiff neck. Thanks to everyone who came, we had a great night. Here are a few pictures from the party.

Anyone who was at the party probably doesn't want to relive Cole eating the M & M's but I feel everyone should see what I have to deal with when this child eats. (He is the grossest eater I've ever seen!!)
Gift opening.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Luke's 4th Birthday!

We celebrated Luke's birthday tonight with a Wall E cake. I will not post any close ups since I ran out of frosting during decorating, oh well it tasted fine! Here are a few pictures of our celebration.
It's official he's 4, check out the fake smile that comes along with the 4th year!
There it is again! Showing off his Legos from Jack and Cole.
Of course he got the Wall E movie to go along with his theme! We had a great night and can't wait to celebrate with more family again tomorrow night!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ice Skating

Luke has decided that he is going to play hockey and that it is time to learn to skate. As we all know once Luke has his mind made up he is going to make it happen. Last week Bryan took Luke to the rink to public skating. Bryan was pretty impressed with how well he did and also how he wasn't discouraged at all when he fell. This week they went back (along with Braeden which was a lot of fun) and Luke was well equipped with his new hockey skates and helmet. At first he was a little discouraged because of the new skates and helmet it made it a little more difficult but he kept getting back up and never got off the ice once!

Getting laced up and ready to go!

Taking a little break with Dad.
Bompa also came to watch, I think Cole thought he was there for him though.
The spectators!
Getting some pointers from Dad!

Henry was very happy when Uncle Bryan got off the ice, we watched Westfield State College practice for a bit before we left.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cole and Henry

Here are some pictures of Cole and Henry playing this morning. Tuesday and Thursday mornings are nice since Jack and Luke are both at school Cole and Henry have a chance to "play" together. I think Cole is starting to enjoy Henry's company more and more as Henry grows.

Here they are in the kitchen watching from behind the gate as Bryan cleans out the pellet stove.

Henry really isn't as scared as he looks, I think he really does enjoy playing with Cole, I'm not sure he likes being held by him though.
Cole and his stool. He takes this everywhere to get just about anything he wants, most of the time it lands him in time out!
Having fun in the tent, this didn't last too long. Henry kept rolling into the sides and taking the tent over with him.

Here is a short video of the boys playing, Henry was making cute truck noises before I started taping, naturally he stopped as soon as the camera came out.
(to hear video remember to pause the music player)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Removal of the Tree

Robb and Nina were over on Sunday and asked us if we wanted help taking down our tree, since it was such a production to get it in here we figured we should take the help and get it done. Here are some pictures of the process, surprisingly enough it really was much easier to remove than it was to put up.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grandma, Grandpa and Great Grandma's Visit

Here are some pictures from the last week of our visit with Grandma and Grandpa and Great Grandma Castor. We had a great time with everyone and can't wait to see them again in May!

Cole and Jack watching Peter Pan at Aaron's.
Bryan catching a quick nap before lunch.
Grandma helping Cole eat one of the yummy chocolate truffles that Kelly so kindly put out.
Grandma Castor, Aaron and Kelly visiting at our house during present opening.
Grandpa and the boys waiting for the gifts to be passed out.
Cole helping Grandma Castor open her gift from Aaron and Kelly.
Grandma giving Cole a quick lesson on the piano.
Bryan and Cole relaxing after his big lesson.
A Castor 4 generation picture.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Morning

These are a few pictures from Christmas morning.

Cole had fun trying on Jack and Luke's new hats.
Jack helping Luke open his new 3 foot fire truck.
Jack and Luke both got new "2 wheel" scooters.
Cole giving his new Teddy Ruxpin a big hug, this didn't last too long he threw him down pretty quickly and was on to the next gift.

Christmas Day

We celebrated Christmas Day with my side of the family along with Aaron and Kelly. We had a great day and the boys got a lot of fun gifts. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Grammy helping Cole open a gift.

Our family got a Wii from Grammy and Papa, here are the boys watching Bryan unwrap it!

Henry had a lot of fun playing with all of his new toys as well.

Here is Grammy acting very surprised at her new crock pot.

Bryan and Aaron putting together the Air Hockey table that Aaron and Kelly got for the boys.
Jack and Luke try it out!

Kevin and Papa may have had more fun than the boys trying out the Wii.