Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year, especially with Grandma and Grandpa as our surprise guests! Here are some shots from our day.

Grandma and the boys playing a few computer games before we headed to the Rice's.
Cole surprised us with how long he sat still for Grandma!
Tom working hard to help Bryan unload our 3 tons of pellets.
Lee was very smart to get a family photo before the day really got underway! Thanks Kellen and Bekah for being our great photographer's!
Cole outside looking in, he lingered by the front door while the big boys were out back, he was a little frightened by the chickens.
Reed longing to be outside with the big boys...soon and then I will be kid free at the table!!
Nina and Lee relaxing after our wonderful meal.
A sleepy Reed being rocked by Uncle Robb in the rocker.
The big boys finally surfaced for dessert!
Braeden showing me his goodies!
Reed finally gave into his sleep!
My favorite picture of Thanksgiving, Tom leading us all in song!
Reed looking at Shaun in disgust, he did not love Shaun's singing, I'm not sure why because he definitely sings better than most of us! At one point Reed started to cry and told Shaun he was yucky, thankfully Shaun was not offended.

Kellen showing Cole her cool magnets.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


It was so nice out today so we decided (well, I decided because I wanted pictures) to rake some leaves for jumping. If you have not been to our house to see it, it is kind of hard to imagine just how many leaves we have, let's just say it borders ridiculous! The boys all had tons of fun and I think they were actually outside for 4 hours straight raking and making forts out of the leaves. The first picture is of them waiting for the "ok" to run and jump in the pile

Reed would live outside if we let him, his smile is this big every time he is out there. This is how he brought leaves to the pile, inevitably he would drop about half before he got there!
Here they go! Take a look at Cole in this picture...
....I zoomed in and cut the other kids out because Cole just looked so hilarious running into the leaf pile holding his nose! I didn't even notice he was doing this until later at night when I uploaded the pictures, I was literally laughing out loud.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Luke Soccer

Alright these first two pictures are obviously not Luke playing soccer but they are of Reed at soccer, I couldn't resist posting them because they are too funny! Reed had to borrow Grammy's gloves because his little hands were freezing!
Team huddle in between quarters
Luke passing off to Braeden, those two are really going to be something a few years from now!

He shoots....
....he scores!!
Running back after a goal

I'm pretty sure Luke is forcing Braeden to give him a high five!