Sunday, May 30, 2010

Silly Bandz

We have fallen into the trap of the latest fad! The boys are very excited to each have their own pack of Silly Bandz now. Silly Bandz are elastic bracelets in different shapes. They were told if they were well behaved at their pictures yesterday that they could each get some, with the understanding that these are not to go to school with them. Most schools are annoyed that these are causing a disruption so they are not allowing them, Jack told me that only the 2nd graders were allowed to wear them at his school..hmm...I'm still sticking to no Silly Bandz at school! Here are a few pics of the boys with their new accessory!
Luke was angry going into the store when Jack said he was collecting Silly Bandz, Luke said he didn't want Jack to collect the same thing as him. I told him I had news for him, every kid in the U.S. is collecting them so he may want to find another collectible!
Cole is beyond thrilled to be included with the "big" kids!!
Jack sorting his bands, his pack had Rockband shaped Silly Bandz. Luke got Armed Forces and Cole picked Construction. Reed still has a few more years until these are appropriate for him, I'm sure by then they will be a thing of the past and there will be a new fad for him to follow!
Jack's Silly Bandz
Reed was mad he wasn't in the picture with the boys, he kept yelling "cheese" until I took his picture. In other Reed news, he has started pulling himself to standing today at the coffee table and couch!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Water Fun!!

With all of these warm days the boys have kept themselves occupied with the water table and have been loving it!
Head dunk!!

Cole has to constantly be reminded that it is not a pool and we do not get into the table!

I know his head is cut off but I thought this was a cute picture of Henry....

...this is just a cute body shot of how cute and chubby he looks in his suit!

Here is a short video of them playing!

Sunrise Park

Today Amy and I took the boys to Sunrise Park for a little picnic and some fun on the beach! We aren't really sure what we were thinking but we definitely were not prepared for the 3 little ones to be in the water the way they were. We were actually quite stupid to think that they would sit on the edge of the water and play in the sand, we have learned that if we would like to stay longer we need swimming devices for at least Cole and Henry!! Not one of these 5 boys have any fear of the water, which is a good thing, but makes for tired mommies!

Jack and Luke were excited that we ran into Conor from Jack's class, they all had fun playing monkey in the middle!
Loving life!
Cole swimming...
Henry doing a "cannonball". Henry and Cole do cannonballs off of the bottom step everyday at my house so they were especially excited to try it out in the water where it is intended to be done!
Cole's cannonball, they more or less just jump and land on their bottoms in the water!

We literally had to hold Reed back from just crawling straight into the water, he was putting his face in and everything! Looks like I will have another Cole on my hands!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kid's Sunday at Church!

This Sunday was Kid's Sunday at church along with a Bible presentation for the 2nd and 3rd graders. All of the children helped lead the worship and they were very cute! I don't have any pictures of Bryan and I with Jack during the presentation but here is a picture of his new Bible complete with his name! I have been trying to upload a video for days now to this post and it's not working, I'll try again later but here are a couple of pics.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Reed's 1st Haircut!

Reed is no longer a baby! Bryan has been begging me to get Reed's haircut so I took advantage of my hairdresser friend when she stopped by today! He was such a good boy and looks so old now.

Reed's 1st Mess!

Reed has certainly had some messy moments but this is his first "big boy" mess that he made all on his own. I came into the dining room to find the pellet stove had been emptied and he was eating the dust! I have some pictures of Luke at about the same age doing the exact same thing!! It's time to break out the gates again!!
Pellet dust is not yummy.....

Saturday, May 8, 2010


YAY!!! Reed is FINALLY crawling :) As many of you know Reed has been slightly delayed with his gross motor skills. He has been working with a Physical Therapist for about 3-4 months now and has made tremendous improvements!! After his PT on Wed we noticed him just take off across the floor in the evening and he has been going ever since! He is sooooo much happier with his new found "freedom", he is having fun being able to get to all of the toys without the help of someone, he is also having fun getting into all of those things he shouldn't be touching as well-the wood stove! Nevertheless, we are so happy that he has mastered this new skill so that he can keep up with the rest of the boys!! Here is a short video as "proof" that he can actually move!

*To hear the video you need to pause the music player on the right of the screen*