Sunday, August 31, 2008

Luke Rides A Two Wheeler!

Today was a big day at our house, Luke learned to ride a two wheeler. I guess I shouldn't say learn because there wasn't much "teaching" involved. Bryan held the bike so he could get on and the rest is history, he's been riding all over the neighborhood. I've been telling Bryan for days to take off the training wheels so today was the day and Luke is so proud of himself. The boys were talking about it during dinner and Jack was giving him some pointers and said that Luke should listen because Jack is a professional (mind you Jack just learned to do the same in the spring!). Here are a few pictures and two short videos.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Day of Firsts!

Today we had a few firsts in our house. Jack had his first day of first grade and Cole had his very first haircut. Here are some pictures of the day, both events went very well.

One last "fist bump" between the boys before we head to the bus stop.
Here comes the bus!

Even Henry made it down to the bus stop this morning!
Here is Cole pre-haircut.
Here we are during the haircut, he did pretty well, that spray bottle kept him occupied for the first part anyways.
By the end though we had to bring out the Oreos! I know I hated to do it but that's what it took!
Here is the finished product! No more baby :( Oh well, he sure was happy to have an Oreo!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Rock Cats!

Last night was TSI night at the Rock Cats game so we went with some people from Bryan's work, we had a great time and great seats!

Tuesdays are kids eat free night so the boys got a hot dog and juice (I know not the greatest dinner, but it was free!)
It's hard to see through the net but we were right behind home plate.
Cole spent a good part of the game on Maria's (Bill's Wife) lap, that was a much welcomed break for me.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Messy Hands

The other day the boys asked if they could finger paint, this is very unlike Jack, he usually hates to get messy. I agreed to this thinking they could do it outside, of course as soon as we got set up outside the thunder and dark clouds rolled in so we had to move indoors. I will say this went pretty well, all that was really messy in the end were their hands.

Later that night however I found this on the dining room table after I came down from putting Cole to bed, an empty butter dish and.....

...another set of messy hands, and face, and chest. Yes, this boy ate the rest of the butter that was left on the table from dinner. Is that not the guiltiest face you've ever seen?!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Final Picture With Grandma and Bryan and Henry

Here are the boys with Grandma before she left, we all had so much fun with her and really miss her!
Here is Henry with Bryan, he really likes Bryan, I think it's mostly the goatee! I think the feeling is mutual though.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why 6 Year Olds Shouldn't Drive!

Yesterday Bryan took Jack and Luke "real" golfing. The boys were very excited about this, especially the golf cart. Well about halfway through Bryan thought it would be a good idea to let Jack drive the cart (I know what was he thinking, we've asked him this over and over?!). Well let's just say it ended with all three of them and the golf cart in a very murky creek. Luckily everyone was ok, Jack and Bryan have a few scrapes and bumps but Luke was totally fine except for the fact that he flew out of the cart and landed in the water. If you ask Luke he will tell you he even went under! Here are some pictures of Luke before he took a shower, the pictures really don't do it justice, this boy was filthy and smelly! Luke says he never wants to go real golfing again and Jack says he'll go but he'll let Dad drive the cart. Oh well, at least everyone was ok and we have a funny story to tell.

Singing With Grandma

Here are some pictures and videos of the boys singing with Grandma the other day. Cole especially loved dancing to Grandma's music. Sorry the quality of the videos aren't very good.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

More Fun With Grandma!

Lee had a great craft to do with the kids yesterday. They each picked the color bag they wanted and Grandma ironed on their names and some decorations for them. They were all very excited about their new bags.