Saturday, March 29, 2008

Not Better Yet

Unfortunately Luke has still not recovered from the bug we all had. He has been sick now for 5 days! I'm not sure who is going more stir crazy, me or him. Hopefully there will be an end to all of this in the near future. Here is a picture of Luke dressed up ready for a ride on Bryan's bike. He's running out of things to do since we've been trapped in the house for an entire week.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Easter Aftermath

Now let me just say, if Cole hadn't been sick on Sat. night I would probably blame all the Easter candy on this stomach bug that has fallen upon our family. Cole started Sat. evening by getting sick in the car while Amy and I were doing some shopping, let's just say it was not pretty. After that he seemed fine, or so I thought so I took him to church, Grammy and Papa's, etc. I guess I'm the reason kids get sick from the nursery in church but I swear he seemed fine. Well anyways Luke came down with it at about 4 am and as of now at almost 10 am he is just starting to get better. I followed Luke at about 5 am and Bryan and Jack got up not looking so good, but nothing yet from them.

We are all camped out on the couches watching the new movies the Easter Bunny brought, thank goodness for those. That should keep them busy for a few hours.
The boys each have a couch with buckets in place.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a better topic to post about.


Easter morning started out with the boys all making us a wonderful breakfast. After breakfast we went to church and then on to Grammy and Papa's for lunch and an egg hunt.

You can never have enough help with the eggs! I think only one was dropped somewhere besides the pan.

The boys had a great time looking for eggs at Grammy and Papa's. Jack was very good about making sure Luke found just as many eggs as he did. You have to capture that kind of kindness on camera right away, who knows when that will happen again.
Even Cole found an egg, with a little help from Bubba.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Egg Coloring

Egg decorating night was last night. Everyone was very excited as you may imagine, some more than others. Everyone was there at Grammy and Papa's house, Emily, Bubba, Amy and Kevin.

Here is everyone gathered around the table in great anticipation of this year's colors. Everyone waited very patiently while Grammy figured out exactly how she should mix everything. Bubba kept us all entertained with the old spoon on the nose trick!
Then the fun began. Bubba, Emily and Jack were very busy at their end of the table.
Cole watched from the balcony seating. Next year will be your turn Cole! He did get his hands in some color at one point and tasted it and had a little bit of blue dye on his nose, enough to say he participated.
Grammy and Jack worked very hard to get the color just right.

Bubba took a break in the action to let Cole get a peak at what was going on.
Papa and Luke discuss their egg coloring technique.
Jack and Luke putting on the finishing touches.
The final product!

Thanks Grammy and Papa and everyone for a great night we had so much fun!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring Training

Jack getting Cole "in position"

Cole has officially entered into spring training. Now that it is getting warm out and staying lighter longer the big boys have been spending most every afternoon outside until supper so poor Cole has been stuck watching from the window. Hopefully he will get the hang of this soon, he is making progress, a couple of days ago he wouldn't even attempt to push the walker by himself. I'm not sure if the help from his brothers is a good thing or a bad thing, you would think he would want to walk to either keep up with them or run away from them.

Grocery Shopping

Here are a few photos of Cole "helping" me put away the groceries yesterday. He put in a really good effort to try and open the syrup bottle!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Outside Fun!

Here are some pictures and videos of the boys outside today. It was pretty nice out, about 40. Cole had fun in the swing and Luke had fun once Jack got off the bus and he had someone to play with. Hopefully Cole will be walking soon, he really wants to run and play with them but is pretty much confined to the swing or stroller.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes!

Now that Cole is eating all table food he is having fun experiencing all of the new flavors. Tonight he had his first taste of meatloaf and and mashed potatoes as you can tell he thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a good thing he was in only a diaper because he needed a pretty good wipe down by the end.