Sunday, August 31, 2008

Luke Rides A Two Wheeler!

Today was a big day at our house, Luke learned to ride a two wheeler. I guess I shouldn't say learn because there wasn't much "teaching" involved. Bryan held the bike so he could get on and the rest is history, he's been riding all over the neighborhood. I've been telling Bryan for days to take off the training wheels so today was the day and Luke is so proud of himself. The boys were talking about it during dinner and Jack was giving him some pointers and said that Luke should listen because Jack is a professional (mind you Jack just learned to do the same in the spring!). Here are a few pictures and two short videos.


B said...

He's going pretty fast. So cute!

nina rice said...

Unbelievable!! Yeah, Luke! Looks great, Kate. I can't wait to show Braeden - now the challenge is on!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Luke !!!!
You are a very good rider.

Herzig Family said...

Wow - growing up so fast!!! Emalie is still unsure of taking them off, so we'll wait till the spring.

Grammy and Papa said...

Not surprized at all, Great job Luke!