*To hear video you need to pause the music player on the right*About 3 weeks ago Jack had a shorter cast put on, this made things a lot easier for him, and us, he was able to write somewhat and do a little bit more. He was very excited to collect new signature and also to show off the flames that Uncle Aaron drew for him.

Here are the boys the other night after a haircut and after getting Jack's cast off (not the best picture of any of them, but you get the idea). He is doing great with his arm and is enjoying getting back to all of his activities he has missed for the past 6 weeks.

This is just a cute video of Henry and Cole dancing along with a dancing Santa that we have, Cole cracks me up with the way he shakes his hips. I'm not sure Henry knows what to think of the Santa, or Cole for that matter!
I love Cole's hip action and Henry is so cute! Cole looks really tall!
aw... that Cole... ever the entertainer!
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