Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cole and Henry

Here are some pictures of Cole and Henry playing this morning. Tuesday and Thursday mornings are nice since Jack and Luke are both at school Cole and Henry have a chance to "play" together. I think Cole is starting to enjoy Henry's company more and more as Henry grows.

Here they are in the kitchen watching from behind the gate as Bryan cleans out the pellet stove.

Henry really isn't as scared as he looks, I think he really does enjoy playing with Cole, I'm not sure he likes being held by him though.
Cole and his stool. He takes this everywhere to get just about anything he wants, most of the time it lands him in time out!
Having fun in the tent, this didn't last too long. Henry kept rolling into the sides and taking the tent over with him.

Here is a short video of the boys playing, Henry was making cute truck noises before I started taping, naturally he stopped as soon as the camera came out.
(to hear video remember to pause the music player)


nina rice said...

Loved the pictures, Kate. Especially the top one. It looks like Cole really wants to be like Henry - so he lays on his belly.

BTW... I think you should have made the truck noise - since the other 2 weren't cooperating! ;~)

Amy Klvana said...

Thanks for posting the pictures of Henry. It's nice to know that he is in good hands while I'm at work. Henry and I looked at the blog and he was cracking up, and then cried when I put the computer away. And he now makes the truck noises no matter what toy he is playing with, even when he is emptying out his diaper bin!