Tonight I was home with just the little boys while Bryan was at Jack's soccer practice with the big boys. This made for a nice quiet supper and tubby time (well as quiet as it can be with Cole around). Here are some pics of them in the tub together, they are having fun taking baths together now that Reed is able to sit up in the tub.
Reed looks so funny in every picture because he just shivers the whole time.

Cole and his dinosaur all wrapped up after their bath.

All clean!!
These pictures are so great! Nice to get some time with just the two of them. Reed looks a lot like Jack did. Oh, Cole...reminds me of McAllister. Somedays, I really just don't know what to do with him.
Those are just the most adorable pictures ever! Love the one of Cole giving Reed a kiss.
Looks like you're a great big brother! How cute
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